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Video of the Week – Angry Beard

By Dan Hutton on April 1, 2012 in Video

ANGRY BEARD from TKSH! Films & Stop Motion on Vimeo.

I like beards. There probably getting a bit too trendy these days but i still enjoy growing one. In fact, every winter i shun the razor for three months and let my facial fluff flourish.

The week’s video is about an angry beard. My beard (when i have one) is generally pretty happy, but it guests a bit angsty when spring is approaching and it knows it is facing an unpleasant death.

The beard in this video is also angry at its impending removal, but, thanks to the magic of stop-motion, it is fighting back.

My beard is always pretty sparse and there is no way it could defeat a razor, a pair of scissors and all the other essential hair removal tools. The beard in this video is far stronger. Respect!