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Children And Dog Bites

By Dr Katrina Warren on January 21, 2011 in Other

I really hate hearing stories about children being bitten by dogs. Most of time the responsibility lies with the owner of the dog or the parents of the child who were not supervising properly but usually the dog gets blamed. Recently, a four year-old girl had her face bitten by her family Labrador, which she was playing with while it was eating. Why on Earth would anyone let a child play with a dog that is eating?

Young children are at the greatest risk of being bitten by their own dog or a dog known to them and most bites occur in or around their own home. Older children and adults are more likely to be bitten in public places like parks.

Remember, any dog of any breed can bite, even the most laidback and trustworthy. A dog may bite because it is scared and all its warning signals have been ignored. An easy-going dog may bite if it is woken from a sleep and is disorientated, and any dog may be protective of its food or toys and bite if a child tries to take these away.

Here are a few simple things to remember:

1. Always ask the owner for permission before you let your child pat any dog. Some dogs may not be accustomed to small children.

2. Never pat a dog on top of the head or with an open palm. Both these gestures can be seen as threatening and the dog may act defensively. Instead, approach the dog from an angle and offer your hand as a fist allowing the dog to sniff it before tickling under the chin. If the dog doesn’t sniff or backs away, ignore him and slowly walk away.

3. Never approach a dog that is eating or chewing a bone. Dogs can become very protective of their food.

4. Never wake a sleeping dog. This may frighten it and it may bite defensively to protect itself.

5. Don’t play ‘chasings’ with dogs. As children get excited and squeal, dogs also get wound up and join in the fun. What the dog sees as a friendly bite may not feel that way to a child.

6. Always supervise young children with dogs. If you cant actively supervise then you must separate them.

7. Choose your dog wisely. Talk to your vet about the right breed of dog for your family and make sure you buy from a reputable breeder. Temperament is partly inherited, so be sure to meet the parents of your puppy and be comfortable with their behaviour. 

8. Socialise and train your dog. A well-behaved dog is a delight to own.

9. Train your child. Teach basic rules such as not to pick up your dog or pat it on the face. Children need to know that there are certain times when touching the dog is out of bounds, such as meal times or when it’s sleeping.

10. Seek professional help if necessary. If your dog shows any signs of aggression such as growling or protection of food or toys, it is worth seeking advice from an animal behaviour specialist or professional dog trainer. These problems can often be stopped if managed early but can become serious if allowed to continue.