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May Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down

By Dan Hutton on May 9, 2013 in Other


Up – The Century – Who would have thought that we’d manage to get one hundred editions of The Beast out?

Down – Stomach Bugs – There’s been a nasty bit of the old gastro going around lately and it ain’t pleasant.

Up – Waverley Library – Almost 30,000 members, more than half a million visits and around 550,000 loans a year – great effort!

Down – Sports Betting – I wish they’d put more footy on with Channel Nine’s coverage of the Friday Night Sports Betting.

Up – Indoor Swimming Pools – When the water and air temperatures get colder it’s time to get wet indoors.

Down – Itchy Chlorine Skin – The downside of indoor swimming. At least there are no bluebottles or sharks though!

Up – Sleep – With a baby on the way I am trying to enjoy every last bit of it. Farewell slumber. I shall miss you.

Down – Bad Coffee – There is no excuse for bad coffee in Australia in this day and age. Some cafes really need to lift their game.

Up – Aussie Holidays – It’s easy to forget how many amazing holiday destinations we have right here on our doorstep.

Down – Flat Tyres – Frustrating at the best of times, more so when you realise that you’ve forgotten to fix your spare!