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May Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down

By Daniel Hutton on May 20, 2014 in Other


Up – Public Toilets – In your time of need, there is nothing better and there will now be more of them in Coogee – hoorah!

Down – The Junk House – Council cleans it up, they turn it into a hovel again. And again. Can someone please pass them a packet of Redheads?

Up – The Justin Hemmes Injection – Not only are new toilets coming to Coogee, so too is Merivale having taken over the Beach Palace Hotel.

Down – Sick Children – Any parent knows that when their child gets sick it is only a matter of time before they are affected by the same affliction.

Up – Joe’s Just 4 Men – Arguably the best barber this side of the coathanger, and a short back and sides will only set you back a lobster.

Down – Fillings – We strongly recommend visiting the dentist more than once every seven years. Five fillings in one session ain’t fun!

Up – Aidan Guerra – The big backrower from the Roosters pulled a few strings and helped us line up this month’s cover interview. Thanks mate.

Down – Motorcycle Hit And Runs – It might be a shitty old postie, but it’s still infuriating when dickheads back over it and don’t leave a note.

Up – The Ratpack – Arguably the greatest success story in Eastern Suburbs Touch Football history, the Ratpack won the Div 2 title this year.

Down – Fashion Week – Is there a bigger wank in the world than MBSFW? Anyone who tells you otherwise is obviously a wanker themselves.