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Video Of The Week – Shaken Az

By Dan Hutton on March 2, 2011 in Video

Another month, another catastrophe created by ‘nature’, proving once again that she really is a mother.This time it was across the ditch in NZ. While we love to despise and ridicule our funny speaking neighbours, it’s at times like these that we realise just how similar we actually are.

That said, at times like these we still need to have hope and hopefully have a laugh. Realising this, the local boys famous for producing Internet phenomenons including ‘Trent from Punchy’ and ‘Beached Az’ have put together a short, sharp and fairly amusing little vid to life the spirits of the Kiwis and call for donations.

While the concept is fairly old now, it’s good to see it being used for good reasons. Check out the vid below…