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Video Of The Week – Dogboarding

By Dan Hutton on March 29, 2011 in

Okay, so last week’s Video of the Week was pretty crap and political and whatever, but Bruce beat Paul for the seat of Coogee so maybe you all found it super inspiring and it influenced your political decision making. Then again, maybe everyone is just so sick of Labor that video or no video, Bruce always had this one in the bag.

Enough of the politicking though, this week we’ve uncovered a quirky little skate vid called ‘Dogboarding’. A warning to dog lovers, you may find this moderately disturbing but we assure you that no pooches were persecuted during its production.

So sit back, press play and watch these guys kick-flip Fido until the cows come home…

Dogboarding from DANIELS on Vimeo.