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Client Liaison – Bringing Big Hair And Bad Suits Back To The Fore

By Ash London on May 16, 2014 in Arts

Picture: Ash London

Picture: Ash London

The 1980s/90s is a time that many of us, myself included, would like to forget – mainly for the bad hair and even worse fashion choices. Melbourne boys ‘Client Liaison’, a.k.a. Harvey Miller and Monte Morgan, however, have chosen to embrace the decades when synth was still king and pop music brought us far more than just fresh-faced 16 year-old reality television show winners.

Happy crowds at popular alternative festivals Golden Plains, Laneway and Secret Garden will tell you that Client Liaison have got something good going on. They haven’t released of hell of a lot of material, but what they have has garnered them some pretty solid attention.

They’re set to embark on a debut national tour and have just released a pretty schmicko music video for their latest single ‘That’s Desire’, both of which you should really get involved with.

During the month I shot some questions at boys who are bringing big hair and bad suits back to the fore…

Our hometown is… Melbourne, Australia.

The band name comes from… a plethora of often used but always redundant office terminology.

We’d like to think that our music is… too pop to be underground and too underground to be pop.

A highlight of shooting our clip for ‘That’s Desire’ was… ‘Offroad Liaisons’ (watch the clip and you’ll see what we’re talking about) was a highlight. There were also a lot of off-screen smoke machine antics.

The first time we made music together was… in Harvey’s attic many years ago, trying to record the sounds of Port Phillip Bay as atmospherics to a dance tune about windsurfing.

If we could choose anyone to remix one of our songs, we would choose… Savage Garden.

The best part of the 1980s was… being born.

One song that makes us really nostalgic is… ‘Horses’ by Daryl Braithwaite.

There was this one time when we were starting out that… people didn’t realise our song ‘End of the Earth’ was about Australia.

If we could have written any song, it would be… the next one.

If you come and see us play you can expect… to move your body.

We chose to start our national tour in Portsea… to celebrate the recent acquisition of $5 million worth of pristine Victorian coastline by logistics magnate Lindsay Fox.

Our dream gig… would be at Clive Palmer’s dinosaur theme park, ‘Palmersaurus’.

We’ll know we’ve really made it when… there’s full mini-bar privileges.

You can catch Client Liaison live at Goodgod Small Club on May 3. For full details of their tour and to listen to their sound, visit www.clientliaison.com.