Photo: Nick Lawrence
If I had to describe our sound in one sentence… I’d say it was dynamic nomadic tribal pop.
My first memory of music… was the offbeat rhythms of the milking machine on our diary farm when I was three years old.
Growing up our parents listened to… nothing really. They didn’t listen to music. I bought the first household stereo when I was 16.
Our dream gig… would be headlining a festival anywhere majestic, wild and bizarre. We’ve played in some pretty unique natural landscapes before and they really resonated with us.
If you come to see us play, you can expect… a sometimes fierce, sometimes vulnerable performance. On stage we are ever evolving. Perhaps we will create a dystopian world, or a hyper real forest.
You should listen to our new album, New Rituals, because… new rituals are happening in the world right now amongst all the turmoil. It’s a call to action. A modern mythology for ceremonial seekers!
There was one time when we were starting out… when we had hired a studio and the engineer asked which song we would like to start with. We told him we had no songs, we had never played together before, and we wanted to just make it up. Apparently that’s just crazy. But he pressed record and now this spontaneity is part of our process.
If we could have chosen one song to have written it would have to be… ‘Hyperballad’ by Bjork.
The best thing about the local music scene is… the near future, when they dump the lock out laws and give us back our nights!
One person we’d still really like to record with is… David Byrne or St Vincent. David Byrne is one of our greatest inspirations; he’s very visual and is an all-encompassing artist. And St Vincent is the cream of the crop; his individuality and creativity know no bounds.
Our biggest fan has got be… a Portuguese girl who followed us to four cities to watch us play.
We’ll know we have made it when… David Attenborough asks us to make the soundtrack for Planet Earth 3.
To find out more about Ginger and the Ghost, please visit … and join our mailing list.
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