Indigo Point are a Real Band

Raw and honest. Photo: Stephen Neophytou
Unfortunately, Indigo Point is not a real place. It sounds like it could be, even should be, a marvellous paradise on the coast somewhere, but it’s not (unless you count a random apartment block in Florida, USA). Indigo Point is a real band though, and they were kind enough to catch up with The Beast, just after releasing their second EP, Monochrome.
The three-piece is made up of Sam Morrell on guitar and vocals, JJ Tempas on the bass and backup vocals, and Josh Mason on the drums and backup vocals. They might look familiar to some readers of The Beast as they all grew up and live in the Eastern Suburbs (shout-out to Sam’s mum, Lorraine!). Like most musicians these days, they have day jobs and study, but back when bands could play gigs, they also played at a variety of venues around the place (fingers crossed they can again soon).
“When we first formed the band in early 2018,” the band said, “we started jamming in JJ’s garage, trying to find our sound and learn how to play as a collective.”
They have since gone on to record two EPs, Distance in 2018, and the aforementioned Monochrome, which was released in late August this year.
“We tossed up a few ideas about what to call the EP, and in the end we decided to name it Monochrome, after the second track,” they explained.
“Though lyrically and thematically different, the songs were all loosely about how life isn’t just black and white, but a range of different perceptions based on one’s own experiences. ”
“Our songs draw inspiration from our life experiences, whether these be personal or what we observe in the world around us. There’s always a grounded message and we don’t like writing about supernatural or fictitious stories.”
‘Grounded’ is a great way to describe their sound. It’s raw and honest, with crunchy guitars and big hooks. If you’re into grunge at all, you will no doubt dig it. The band describe it as “a blend of classic rock and ‘90s grunge, with unique hints of early 2000s pop.”
“Music is something creative and vastly unrelated to anything else in our lives. It not only allows us to express ourselves both in the studio and on stage, but also to break out of the mundane cycles that we find ourselves in.”
As for the future?
“We don’t have any hard plans at the moment due to the uncertain nature of the pandemic, however we feel that musically the next step for us would be to write and release an album.”
“We’d also love to tour Australia and play shows beyond Sydney, and look forward to start making plans once we’re allowed to travel.”
You can stream Monochrome now and keep an eye on the socials (@indigopoint) for when the bars have live music again.
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