
Big Picture Seminars

A free evening talk to introduce the pioneering work of Lisa Darveniza and Elizabeth Gilbertgrant.

This work aims to help free people from their most difficult problems in a short time. They work with people excelling in all fields to go beyond personal barriers

Human Beings are compassionate, creative, powerful, wise and loving! Anything less is not the full truth.
These seminars are designed to help you explore your potential – your integrity, love, passions and ability to operate happily in the world.

The seminars are directed towards helping you to find your own answers – and share with others in the common goal of expansion. This is achieved naturally through communication and gentle self-enquiry.

Come and be inspired by this breakthrough talk about the nature of reality at 7pm on Saturday, May 28.

Please book your place by Wednesday May, 25, via email or phone 0405 162 519.

115 Brook St, Coogee, 2034
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