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Colour your textiles with plants with Gi

Colour your textiles with plants with Gina Mastio Joseph Maiden Theatre Friday 6 March, 9.30am – 4pm
Create submersion dyes with numerous plants and experiment with some simple shibori techniques to pattern cloth. We will also explore the magic of eco prints. For beginners and experienced dyers. Gina Mastio is an Australian textiles artist with a passion for the environment. Cost: Foundation & Friend Members: $150, Non-members: $170 (includes materials, morning tea and lunch). Bookings and enquiries: 02 9231 8182 or visit http://www.rbgsyd.nsw.gov.au/foundationandfriends

Mrs Macquaries Road, Sydney, NSW, 2000
How Much:
F & F member $ 150, Non-member $ 170
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