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Joseph Bank’s Video Launch Party

Coming to you ‘LIVE’ from the LazyBones Lounge Marrickville and Co -Hosted by Bucket Lounge. This is the OFFICIAL LAUNCH PARTY of Joseph Banks new Music Video “BLOW’. A song written about Sydney’s BS Lockout Laws! In other words a Big F#CK YOU to Mike Baird and his predecessor Barry O. On the bill see’s local independent artists kicking the show off with Bill Hunt and Kay Camargo.

We are also going FACEBOOK LIVE, so we’ll be screening this event to the world! In short form, GET YOUR BACKSIDES DOWN TO LAZYBONES AND COME PARTY!

Tickets are on the door and $10 will see you through

294 Marrickville Rd Marrickville, Marrickville, New South Wales, 2204
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