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NAIDOC Aboriginal Weaving Classes

The art of weaving and basket making has been an integral part of Aboriginal cultures for years. The knowledge and skills have been handed down through the generations, and now you can learn it too.

As part of our NAIDOC celebrations, you can join our shared knowledge expert weavers and learn how to create baskets and tools. You’ll also hear all about the historic use of native plants and how local Aboriginal peoples identify and use them.

How Much:

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Powerful love binding spell +27634529386



Powerful love binding spell +27634529386 Australia, Austria,Canada,UK LONDON Po¬werfu¬l love bindi¬ng spell by dr mama tulie Johan¬nesbu¬rg, Prote¬ction CHARM¬S *Do you get Bad Dream¬s? Do you fear tokol¬oshe Of Any Kind? Come for Prote¬ction *Are you fired & You Want Your Job Back? *Do You Have Probl¬em With Your Bosse¬s At Work? WOMEN CHARM¬S. Do […]

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