Art2Muse Gallery presents the latest series of paintings by Melbourne/Daylesford artist Peter Watts. Peter’s paintings stem from visual exploration of the surrounding countryside at his Daylesford property in centr...

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Art2Muse Gallery presents the meticulously hand-carved landscape paintings by Sydney-based artist Kean Onn See in his first solo exhibition, Making Tracks. The exhibition follows Kean Onn’s journey over the past fe...

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As part of the 2019 Mardi Gras Festival, Seymour Centre will present the Sydney premiere of Jen Silverman’s dark comedy The Moors with award-winning director Kate Gaul at the helm. After being lured by mysterious l...

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Sabrina D’Angelo is a puppeteer and body poet who has crafted children’s theatre, comedy shows and puppetry for Audiences all around the world. Join Sabrina for a unique story telling experience each Saturday in the ...

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Sabrina D’Angelo is a puppeteer and body poet who has crafted children’s theatre, comedy shows and puppetry for Audiences all around the world. Join Sabrina for a unique story telling experience each Saturday in the ...

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Come and voice what the main challenges are that your members are facing, as this will enable me to ask the right questions on the day. What are your main concerns? What’s working and what’s not working? What do star...

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Exhibition Opening PostFRESH is an artistic concept proposed to question cultural attitudes that emphasize the values of youth and perceived newness in the visual arts. PostFRESH presents the work of five women who have ...

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A Surreal Black Comedy By Sabrina D’Angelo and David McLaughlin. Friday 18 January @ 8pm. Saturday 19 January @ 8pm. Medusa. Femme fatale, whose beauty made men much harder than they’d like. The original nast...

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To celebrate the launch of the 2019 Allen’s lolly vote, Australia’s favourite confectionery brand is giving Sydneysiders a taste of two new delicious, never-seen-before lollies – for free! Popping up in Martin Plac...

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“Grieve, or have another drink”. Mary Rachel Brown (The Dapto Chaser) wields her razor-sharp wit in her play ‘Dead Cat Bounce’, asking painfully familiar questions around romance and addiction: ho...

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