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Swim4Kids 2016- help special needs kids

The LHSA Swim4Kids is a swimathon event held to raise funds for the Niclas Kesler Scholarship. The Inaugural Swim4Kids launched in March 2015, two weeks after LHSA master teacher Peter Dunne’s epic feat in the 2015 Karma Resorts Rottnest Channel Swim. The Scholarship provides part-to-fully subsidised aquatic education lessons to kids with a disability.In 2016, LHSA and Peter will be doing it all again for the 2016 Swim4Kids!
Register now.
Calling all swimmers out there! If you’re over 6 and can swim a lap in any stroke, or you’re a serious swimmer looking for a challenge, Swim4Kids is for you

Notts Avenue, Bondi Beach, NSW, 2024
How Much:
$50 adults,$15 kids, $100 family
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