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An Important Message From Waverley Council

By Waverley Council on December 22, 2017 in News

The article published in the January edition of The Beast magazine (Exclusive: New Development Forced Eviction of Waverley Cemetery Residents) claiming a new development will force the eviction of Waverley Cemetery residents is false and completely untrue.

Please be assured, this article is a satirical piece and is not supported by Council.

We understand this article has caused significant distress to friends and family of those buried at the cemetery.

Waverley Cemetery is of State Heritage significance. This means that it will never be anything other than an operating cemetery. 

Waverley Cemetery prides itself on providing a beautiful resting place to commemorate the lives of loved ones, and this will not change.

Waverley Council is committed to protecting and celebrating the history of the cemetery, and the people buried there for future generations. 

The Beast magazine also apologises for any distress caused.