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Summer Is In The Air

By Dan Hutton on December 21, 2011 in

The Eastern Suburbs is arguably the best place to reside in Australia, but how many of us really get out there and do some thorough exploration and investigation of our little slice of paradise?


Now’s the time to start getting adventurous, as Waverley Council is running its annual Summerama Program throughout the month of January.

Summerama is orgnised by the Sydney Coastal Council’s Group, and with over 100 activities to participate in you might just be able to dub yourself a local expert when you’ve completed this marathon of environmental proportions!

Get your toes wet with the Rockpool Discovery Tour and uncover the myriad of marine life flourishing in the crevices of Bondi’s rock pools with the Marine Discovery Centre’s expert guides. Or whack on your runners and grab a bottle of water to take on the Coastal Bush Tucker and Indigenous History Walk from Bondi to Tamarama – as long as the bush tucker’s not squirming it’ll be a corker!

There’s also the opportunity to swim amongst the colourful local marine life with the Snorkelling Discovery Tours at Bronte Bogey Hole and there’s also a pretty good chance you’ll bump into the placid Blue Groper while you’re in the drink!

The always-popular Dr Rip will be talking Science of the Surf too. His stunning, multiple award-winning multimedia presentation will keep you entertained and informed about every conceivable aspect of how our beaches behave.

New and unique to the Summerama Program this year is The Good News Story, where you can join local resident and sustainability expert Simon Carter as he presents the positive aspects of our world’s environmental situation. We tend to be barraged by constant negativity about the state of the world’s environmental health but Simon will provide fantastic examples of how we are changing the environment for the better through sustainable initiatives.

The Summerama Program is not just for the young whipper-snappers. All ages are encouraged to participate, as the aim of the program is to get the community out and about to enjoy and appreciate our magnificent coastal environment. For enquiries and bookings, please call 9369 8045, email environment@waverley.nsw.gov.au or jump onto www.summerama.com.au.