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Wardy Gives Sick Kids Something To Smile About

By Sarah Healey on February 7, 2014 in News


It was another sterling success for Mal Ward and the Forever Johnno Christmas Presents for Sick Kids fundraiser, which was held in December at the Coogee Bay Hotel.

Now in its sixth year, Mal and his best mate Mark Minehan from the Royal Standard Hotel in Melbourne have reached record heights with a grand total of 1500 presents generously donated by the community. The presents are divvied out by Mal and his many elves to the children’s hospitals at Westmead and Randwick, as well as in Melbourne. An additional $1010 was also raised on the night.

Mal was completely blown away by the amount of generous support shown to the cause.

“This year we seemed to have a lot more helpers, which was unreal. There were so many parents and kids on the wrapping stations – they were machines!” Mal said.

“We also had an awesome load-out crew the next day, with a few new faces who couldn’t show up on the night but still wanted to help out.”

A record number of kids also turned up to enjoy the festivities, anxiously awaiting the annual visit from Santa.

“The night not only benefits those kids who are sick in hospital, it also benefits those kids who are well – it teaches then the true meaning of Christmas and the spirit of giving,” Mal said.

This much-loved event is held each year in memory of Mal’s son John Anders Ward, who passed away after a long battle with childhood liver disease in 2008.