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Yu’s Inspirational Run A Break From The Daily Grind

By Marcus Braid on August 5, 2015 in

Photo: Adam Yu

Photo: Adam Yu

Let’s break free from the daily grind and embark on soul-changing experiences across uncharted territories! Sounds like a daydream, right? Well one man’s daydream recently became his own reality.

Last year, Adam Yu, a fit young Aussie bloke living in Bondi, decided to pass up a surf trip to Bali with his mates in order to focus on climbing the career ladder. This decision made Adam reflect on why he’d allowed himself to become tied down and constrained by the daily grind. He decided to make a momentous change.

In February this year, Adam set out to run 3,000km from Barcelona to Amsterdam to raise funds for Arts Access Australia (AAA). AAA is the top national organisation for arts and disability, and works to increase opportunities and access for people with a disability as artists, arts-workers, participants and audiences. So far Adam has raised a total of $14,500 and he hopes to reach his goal of $50,000 by the end of the year.

An encounter with AAA at a free art event in Sydney in 2013 led Adam to form a close bond with the organisation, and spurred him on to raise funds for a group of people he admired and respected.

“I feel privileged that whenever I have an idea I can work towards it independently, but for some people they do need others to help make it happen,” Adam said.

The run helped plant the seed for Adam’s personal initiative, ‘The Why You Collective’, which aims to encourage people to reach their own path of happiness.

“The basis of the run was an example of showing that nothing will motivate you more than your own ideas,” Adam said.
During his 124-day adventure, Adam met some remarkable individuals from all walks of life.

“Meeting people with inspirational stories confirms that the run was the right thing to do: to stay clear on why you do things and not let ‘opportunities for cash’ start to cloud your vision,” he said.

Adam has some big ideas for the future. To find out more, visit www.facebook.com/thewhyyoucollective or email adam.yu@live.com.