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1000 Cranes For Japan

By Dan Hutton on March 16, 2011 in

With the tragedy in Japan still unfolding and the feeling of helplessness it brings, Nicole Don of Tamarama is devoting every moment of her spare time to making one thousand Cranes for Japan by this Sunday, March 20 to sell at the Bondi Markets. On the bus, standing in line, sitting on the dunny – you name it, she’s folding cranes.

In Japan, the crane is one of the mystical or holy creatures and is said to live for a thousand years. It is commonly said that folding one thousand paper origami cranes makes a person’s wish come true. This makes them popular gifts for special friends and family.

Nicole only made her first crane on Tuesday and straight away decided to make this happen for Sunday.

“Yesterday I started making paper cranes in the hope it would ease my heartbreak a little over what’s going on by ‘meditating’ on how I felt about it…or something equally as passive as that. Quickly I realised that my practice wasn’t actually helping the situation or anyone in Japan one little bit, so I made a plan.”

So far the Bondi Markets have kindly donated a stall for Sunday and a few mates are folding day and night to help Nicole and her boyfriend Chris, who has worked on Bondi Rescue the past two summers, achieve their goal.

The cranes will be on sale for just $5 each and every cent raised will go to the Japanese Red Cross Society. So find the time to get down to the Bondi Markets this Sunday, March 20th, bring a friend, tell a friend, by a crane (or two) and raise some money for those less fortunate then us over in Japan!