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Anthony’s Heart Is With The Kids

By Dan Hutton on April 1, 2011 in

Photo: Andrew Reid

If self-marketing is a major criteria in the judging of the Cleo Bachelor Of The Year, Anthony ‘Harries’ Carroll has no peers.

Just ask him.

When he’s not sending the share price of carrot companies soaring, testing out the latest spray-tan clinics, or advising the dentist profession on how to whiten teeth better, he’s strutting the catwalk in the latest undies promotion.

But our boy from Bronte does have a soft side.

He’s passionate about helping sick kids and, if he gets the nods from the judges at the gala presentation night on April 20, has pledged the winner’s cheque to be shared between the Sydney Children’s Hospital and two sick boys from the St Therese School at Mascot.

“I was a guest at the school recently and it really got to me seeing these two young boys who could hardly walk,” Harries said.

“My heart went out to them and I thought, ‘I have a chance to make these kids’ lives a little better’.

“I have had great support from a lot of people, including the Bra Boys. Reni Maitua rang and said he was going to put me on his Facebook page because I wanted to help the kids.”

Even though he’s up against some tough competition for the Bachelor Of The Year gong, Harries’ work as a professional lifeguard has put him in good stead in the lead-up to the award.

His promotion machine was in overdrive last week when he rocked up to a Cleo photo shoot more than an hour late.

The organisers were in a muck lather, but when Harries told them he was late because he had to perform a rescue at the beach he won them over in a heartbeat.

And what does Harries think the other attributes are to qualify for this prestigious award.

“Well,” he said, “You have to be single, of course… horribly handsome… and be able to fulfil the dreams of a young lady’s heart.”

Yeah, thanks for that Harries, you’re saving a fortune in PR management expenses.

To vote for Harries to win the Cleo Bachelor Of The Year and to help out sick kids CLICK HERE.