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April 2017 Thumbs

By Dan Hutton on April 12, 2017 in Other

The Trippin' Zeahorse at Bondi Tony's - yum

The Trippin’ Zeahorse at Bondi Tony’s – yum


THE MIGHTY RATPACK – One of history’s greatest sporting fairy tales played out in early March when the Ratpack won the Easts Touch Division 1 premiership.

APRIL FOOLS – The first day of April is always a great time to take advantage of friends who’ve momentarily forgotten the date. Don’t miss out on the shenanigans.

SWELL TIMES – The weather may be cooling down, but the action in the ocean is heating up. It was a super flat summer, but autumn has started with a bang.

RUGBY LEAGUE WEEK – A footballing bible to many, this once great magazine recently announced that it will be printed no longer. F**k you, Internet!

2-FOR-1 BURGERS – We don’t usually use this section to promote our advertisers’ deals, but 2-for-1 burgers at Bondi Tony’s is truly something to celebrate.


DAYLIGHT SAVING’S END – We’re definitely not looking forward to the next six months of miserable weather and travelling to and from work in the dark.

WATER POLLUTION – To the clown who pumped untreated sediment-laden water directly into the Coogee stormwater system, we hope you enjoy your $8,520 fine.

LICENSE RENEWAL – When you only renew your licence every three to five years, it’s pretty easy for it to slip your mind, and bloody expensive when you get busted.

EASTER EGGS – It’s a fine line between thumbs up and thumbs down for these elliptical blobs of chocolaty goodness, but this year our waistlines say down.