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#BarzuraHeartsCoogee Photo Competition

By ugc on March 14, 2015 in

Barzura loves Coogee & want to share the love with a photo competition!

To enter, submit a photo of Coogee or Barzura on the Barzura Facebook page or Instagram @Barzura with the hashtag #BarzuraHeartsCoogee

1st Prize WINs a weekend in Coogee staying at the Adina Apartment Hotel with a champagne breakfast & dinner at Barzura & passes to a yoga class at The Livingroom Yoga School Coogee Beach. Two runners up WIN a Barzura dinner voucher. The top 3 entries will be printed & exhibited at Barzura.

Competition closes 30 April 2015, so get clicking! See www.barzura.com.au for terms & conditions