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Bondi Winter Magic “Guaranteed to Shock, Surprise and Delight”

By Siriol Dafydd on June 25, 2019 in

Winter is the new summer, by Penny Gwinn.

It’s no secret that we love the summer around these parts and it’s probably safe to say that most of us live for those gloriously warm – or uncomfortably sweaty – months of the year. In fact, we love summer so much that we dread the arrival of winter and often fly out of here to carry on surfing, day-drinking and avoid the short days and chilly evenings altogether.
But winter doesn’t just have to be about expensive flights to Europe or Indonesia, hiding away under a blanket or binge-watching Netflix. If you’re feeling brave enough to leave the warm bosom of your home this winter, the Bondi Winter Magic festival will be back and in full swing from June 28 to July 28.
This annual Waverley Council event drew around 60,000 visitors to the Bondi Pavilion last year and is set to do the same again this winter. The iconic beachside ice rink will be back so that you can enjoy skating – or stacking – with friends and family, and of course no winter wonderland would be complete without the Bondi Vista ferris wheel. The 22 metre-high behemoth will once again give locals and visitors a bird’s eye view of the world famous Bondi Beach and surrounding suburbs, perfect for a mid-week pick-me-up or Tindering on a not-so-fair winter’s eve.
But the fun doesn’t end there. This year’s Bondi Winter Magic will include an Art On The Streets program brought to you by the Bondi & District Chamber of Commerce. This will allow both professional and amateur artists to perform and display their work on the streets of Bondi in an awesome blend of art, culture and music. So if you miss the hustle and bustle of the summer version of Bondi, this beautiful little part of the world will remain just as vibrant throughout winter too.
Over the last few years Bondi Winter Magic has included a fringe-style winter festival called Bondi Feast. For those of you yet to experience this extra little gem, Bondi Feast celebrates award-winning comedy, cabaret, theatre and circus acts from all over the world, showcasing over 200 local, national and international artists in 40 shows across 10 nights. Bondi Feast will take place at the Bondi Pavilion Theatre & Festival Garden from July 9-20.
Waverley Mayor John Wakefield is confident that this year’s Feast offering will be more awesome than ever before.
“The Bondi Feast schedule will be even bigger and better this year with performances guaranteed to shock, surprise and delight,” he told The Beast.
All of these wonderful festivities are designed to showcase Bondi as not just a glorious summer destination but also a year-round location for culture and entertainment.
“Bondi Winter Magic is a premier event loved by thousands of visitors and residents alike and is one of the best school holiday activities for families,” Mayor Wakefield said.
“The Chamber’s On the Streets program provides the opportunity for emerging artists to exhibit their work outdoors, and Music on the Streets brings the best amateur and professional musicians to Bondi.”
So stop carrying on about how frozen you are; chuck on a jacket and venture outside to soak up some music, art, theatre or whatever your heart desires. At the very least it will be refreshing to get out of the house and remind yourself what life was like before Netflix.

For program updates or further information about this years festivities, visit bondiwintermagic.org.au and follow Waverley Council on social media.