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Boo Who?

By Rupert Truscott-Hughes on September 11, 2015 in Other

Photo: Ricky Pointing

Photo: Ricky Pointing

I’m well aware the dead dog has been well and truly kicked by every form of media over the last few weeks, but due to The Beast’s monthly frequency, and the fact that the Goodes ‘issue’ occurred right when we were delivering our August edition, I’ve had to wait nearly a month to spew forth this belated barrage about the unfortunate happenings at Australian Rules grounds around the country over the last couple of years in relation to the two-time Brownlow Medal winner. What the world really needs right now is the opinion of yet another middle-class white male on the subject of racial discrimination, and I feel it is my duty to provide it.

Firstly, to the question of whether or not the hecklers are all racists, I honestly believe this is not the case. That said, the fact that this booing of Adam Goodes began after he called out a 13 year-old (is the age really relevant?) for calling him an ape, and escalated after he enacted a war dance during Indigenous round, illustrates that at the root of the unruly behaviour was a clear message of “get back in your box outspoken black man”. While others who have jumped on the bandwagon since may not have realised these origins, given the recent media exposure they now have no excuse for their actions. If you choose to boo, you are as bad as the racists who first propagated this behaviour.

Despite this insinuation, the booers will remain, and I assume the former Australian of the Year will be on the receiving end of their noise more often than not as the year continues.

Thus, I have come up with a suggestion that could counter the booing. I remember the first Swans game I attended back in 1996. As a fairweather AFL supporter (aren’t we all up this way?) I’d been watching the Swans on television for some time but had never actually made it along to a game (let’s not forget that there had been a few lean years for the Swans in the lead up to my attendance). One thing that grabbed my attention almost immediately was the deafening din that rang around the SCG every time Paul Roos put his hands on the ball.
“Why are the booing Roosy?” I asked my more learned friend.

“They’re not booing you imbecile. They love him. They’re yelling out ‘Rooooooos’,” he replied.

And this, my friends, is the basis for my brilliant idea. You see, Mr Goodes also happens to be blessed with a double ‘o’ sound in his name. If the crowd were to yell out “Gooooodes” ever time the big fella got the ball, in the same way they once did for the great Paul Roos, it would be hard to distinguish the rival supporters’ boos from the Swans’ faithful’s cries of support, effectively drowning them out all together.

If there is one thing that racists and bigots shouldn’t be given, it’s a voice and a platform. Drowning them out with positive support is by far the best course of action I’ve heard suggested thus far.

While divisive at times, Adam Goodes is a great Australian and he should be shown the respect he deserves, and it is up to Swans supporters to lead the charge.