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Bronte Gully Was Buzzing After The Storm

By Em Allen on April 2, 2013 in


The recent mini-cyclone that tore apart many Sydney suburbs and ripped its way through Bronte gully left many a fallen flowering tree in its wake, creating a major clean-up headache for Waverley Council workers.

But amid the chaos of crushed coral trees, a new life emerged.

Perched high above the waterfall at the western end of the gully in a sturdy gum tree that survived the recent tempest, a colony of bees made a temporary home. A massive hive seemed to be taking shape.

But that wasn’t the case, according to the Sydney Bee Club. The bees just needed something to cling to as they sought a new abode.
Although a DA was probably not lodged with Waverley Council, it seemed only a matter of time before the army rallied to provide protection for their queen in the quest for a new fortress.

According to the bee club secretary Doug Purdie, their behaviour wasn’t uncommon given the recent storm damage.

“They were probably living inside one of the trees which was felled by the storm,” he said.

“It’s common for the bees to find a temporary resting place while they search for a new home.”

Doug said bees could stay in a cluster for a few minutes or quite a few days while they searched out new digs.

He also said they presented no danger to humans.

“When they are looking for a new home, the bees are very passive as they have nothing to defend, so leave them alone and they will be of no danger.”