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Christmas Present Drive Embodies the Spirit of Giving

By Dan Hutton on December 8, 2016 in

Photo:  James Hutton

Photo: James Hutton

At Christmas time we all focus on those we love. Regardless of whether we believe in God or not, chances are that we believe in family, and Christmas time is when we really sit back, take stock, and appreciate who (and what) we have.
For some families, Christmas is the hardest time of the year. When you’ve got a sick kid in hospital, it’s a little harder to don a red hat and give thanks. It gets pretty hard to do anything, actually.

Mal Ward is a local bloke who knows this all too well. Mal’s son, Johnno, was born with childhood liver disease, and was in and out of hospital for much of his life.

In 2000, Mal started Forever Johnno to raise funds for the Westmead Children’s Hospital and to help sick kids. On August 29, 2008, Johnno passed away at age nine. Four months later, Mal organised Forever Johnno’s first annual Christmas Presents For Sick Kids event.

“Being the first Christmas without him I wanted to do more for the hospital in his name,” Mr. Ward told The Beast.
“Every kid loves Christmas and its hard on them and the family if it must be spent in hospital. To get presents from complete strangers is a great boost for them.”

In that first year, Forever Johnno collected 161 presents. In the past few years, that number has skyrocketed to over 1000 presents collected each Christmas.

“We also make sure all the siblings get presents, and even the mums and dads,” he said. “This eases the burden and cost of Christmas time on the family.”

This year, Christmas Presents for Sick Kids will have its official present drop-off day on Sunday, December 18, between 1pm and 4pm at the Sea Breeze Room in the Coogee Bay Hotel. Everyone is encouraged to pop in, bring the kids, and donate a gift or two. There’ll be face-painting offered between 1pm and 3pm, sponsored by The Beast, and a free sausage sizzle (courtesy of Wardy & Sons Great Aussie BBQ) will ensure that no one goes hungry.

“It’s a great opportunity for parents to show their children the true meaning of Christmas,” Mr. Ward said.

“I love the kids’ enthusiasm when they come to wrap the presents or when they are just putting them under the tree.
“You can see the pride they have in helping other kids less fortunate.”

Dave Martin, the legend behind Courtyard Café in Coogee, will be joining forces with Forever Johnno this year, his café providing another drop-off point for gifts.

Alternatively, presents can be dropped off any time from now until December 19 to Erik De Haart at Clovelly Taxation Services (17A Doncaster Ave, Kensington), or to the friendly reception team at the Coogee Bay Hotel.

Anyone who wants to do a collection at their workplace is more than welcome. Ultimately, if you’re in a position to give, your gifts will not go unappreciated.

“Johnno loved Christmas,” Mr. Ward said.

“I know he would be so proud of what is being done in his name. I miss him every day, and even more at Christmas time.”