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Don’t Get Yourself Into Hot Water

By Nicola Saltman on July 23, 2014 in Other

There’s nothing like a steaming hot shower on a cold winter’s morning. And it’s so easy to take for granted. Until, of course, the hot water system (HWS) packs it in, which could be tomorrow if your system is old or in disrepair. When was the last time you looked at your HWS or had a plumber check its condition? Do you know how old it is? Let’s be honest now, do you even know where and what type it is? It’s not something many people really pause to ponder.

Depending on what type you have – electric, gas, heat pump or solar – you could also be paying way more on your energy bills than you have to. Given this little luxury can account for up to a third of your household’s energy bills, it pays to do some homework on your existing HWS and know what options are available for a more cost-efficient replacement. That way, you can avoid that last-minute icy panic.
It should be noted that electric HWS are generally the most costly to run (especially given electricity price hikes) – up to two or three times more expensive than gas or solar hot water systems. They are also the least eco-friendly on the carbon front. On average, electric HWS produce around four tonnes of greenhouse gases per year, similar to an average-sized car.

So What Are Your Options?

If you have to go for an electric system (because there’s not enough solar access on your roof or gas in the street, for example), aim for instantaneous or off-peak systems if possible, as they are cheaper to run. To keep bills down, try to take shorter showers and use cold water for washing clothes. Affordable water-efficient taps and showerheads can also save you buckets.

There are greener alternatives that can provide a reliable supply of hot water without putting such a large dent in your back pocket over the long-term. These include gas-boosted or electric-boosted solar HWS, air-sourced heat pumps (which work like a refrigerator, but in reverse) and gas HWS (storage or instantaneous).

Gas-boosted solar systems are the most eco-friendly option and offer the best savings in the long run. However, this type of HWS won’t suit your home if your roof does not get enough sun. Gas storage or instantaneous systems can be the least costly to install and may suit small to medium-sized homes (instantaneous gas is cheaper to run than storage as it only heats up the water when you need it). Heat pumps and solar HWS may be a cost-effective choice for medium to large households (3 to 6 people).

It’s likely that one of these options is suitable for your home, regardless of household size. There are also federal government financial incentives for solar hot water systems and heat pumps to reduce the upfront cost.

Seems confusing? Scan the checklist below.

Things to consider:

• Your family size (how much hot water you use for showers, baths, washing).
• Where you live (climate affects the efficiency of hot water systems).
• If natural gas is available in your area (gas suppliers will be able to tell you over the phone).
• How much you can spend.
• How much sunlight your roof gets in summer and winter.
• Where the HWS will be located (most systems are flexible but if roof space is limited, solar may not be the best option. If there is little outdoor space, a heat pump might not be ideal as they work best when located outdoors).
• Your current system (if electric storage, you may be able to incorporate it into a new system, e.g. as a storage tank for a solar system).
• Your installer (make sure your installer is adequately qualified. A good HWS supplier can help address these questions and recommend different options, depending on your home and usage patterns. They will also know if incentives apply and deal with the related paperwork. Get quotes from a few different suppliers to make sure you get the right information as well as a good deal).

For more info, check out the NSW Government’s hot water tips at www.environment.nsw.gov.au/energy/hotwater.htm or peruse Choice’s Hot Water Options Buying Guide at www.choice.com.au.