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Easter urban retreat at the livingroom

By ugc on March 27, 2014 in

Take time for yourself over four nourishing days of yoga at the livingroom yoga school Coogee Beach with Remy Quinter & Rosh McCartin, suitable for all levels of yoga.

4-day workshop 18,19,20 & 21 April 2014

Fri18 April Standing poses
Sat19 April Inversions & balances
Sun 20 April Backbends
Mon 21 April Yin Yoga

$275 for all 4 days
$225 for 3 days
$150 for 2 days
$100 for 1 day

Reserve your place early please contact:
Remy 0405 839 473 or
Roshi 0413 658 384 or email