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For The Lights, Shining Bright

By Em Allen on July 18, 2012 in

Photo: Corey Madden

For The Lights is a fresh new local collective showcasing the talent of four young handsome lads – Matt Slyney, Marty Camilleri, Dan Cortes and Ellis Taylor – known for their laidback tracks and smooth, lyrical charm. Serenading crowds throughout Bondi and causing musical mayhem in mates´ backyards, these boys have been making local stages an absolute riot.

In anticipation of an EP release this winter, For The Lights have been getting busy in the basement, marinating some saccharine and seductive sounds to satiate the appetites of those who love Australian acoustic music. Over a brew we reminisced and forecast future developments with the band members…

For The Lights in a sentence is…
A mellow mix-up of new-folk with orchestral vibrations, soul-a-powered lyrics and a generally smooth acoustic feel… or, just a four-man band.

First memory of music…
Dan’s came from his sister’s clarinet practice from the bedroom next door, which inspired him to make music sound good. Marty and Matt’s go back to road trips with the old folks blasting cassette tapes of Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band and ABBA – solid gold. Ellis’s was air guitar-offs against his old man while listening to the sounds of Peter Gabriel.

First album you bought…
Savage Garden – ‘So Savage’.

Song that gives you goosebumps…
Gary Clark Jr. – ‘Bright Lights’. Mr Clark is potentially the coolest human being ever. He would personally bitch-slap the devil at the crossroads and woo Penny Wong.

Fave driving album/s…
Dr Dre’s ‘The Chronic 2001’ blasting through the Corolla speakers of Marty’s whip, Muddy Waters’ ‘The Anthology’ in Ellis’ Valiant, or ‘Fuel’ by Metallica after robbing a bank.

A For The Lights highlight…
The Brae Street Garden Party because everyone was so blind they thought we were actually good.

If you could pick a supergroup its members would be…
Prince on the mic, Jenny Lee Lindberg from Warpaint on bass, Animal from the Muppets on the skins, Jamey Ferguson from Katchafire on the keys and lyrics by Tallest Man On Earth.

Sydney bands giving you the good tingles at the moment…
Sticky Fingers, Bearhug, Mother and Son, Emma Davis, Flume and Dirty Sexy.

Fave Sydney venue…
Factory Theatre – one day we’ll get there.

Band or genre that gives you an ice-cream headache…
Nickelback walk into a bar. There’s no punch line because ruining music just isn’t funny.

Your dream bill for a night (For The Lights included of course)…
Billy Cobham, James Vincent McMorrow, Six60 (headlining), Explosions In The Sky, AA Bondy, and Biggie Smalls… no clashes.

An unknown For The Lights fact…
Slyney isn’t actually in the band.

What next for For The Lights…
Releasing an EP in July, so wrap your ears around it and let us warm your socks.

To find out more about For The Lights and their upcoming gigs, search them out on Facebook.