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Frother of the Month – Sam Annear

By Em Allen on February 27, 2014 in

Picture: Brad Malyon - www.frothers.com.au

Picture: Brad Malyon – www.frothers.com.au

This month’s Frother of the Month is a Bondi grommet who has spent his fair share of time in front of the lenses of the local photographers, racking up a number of appearances on the popular local surf websites. While this year is all about knuckling down for the HSC, don’t expect to see any less of him in the water before and after the school bell rings…

Name: Sam Annear
Age: 17
Stance: Regular
Local Break: Bondi
Board Shaper: I usually ride Stacey or Hayden Shapes.
Board Dimensions: 5’9” x 18½” x 21/8”

Where are you from?
I’m from Bondi, I’ve lived here pretty much my whole life.

How often do you get out for a wave?
I surf every morning at Bondi because it makes me feel good before I go to school. I usually get out there most afternoons too.

Who are your favourite local surfers and why?
I’m a fan of Sage Gubbay because he rips.

What year are you in at school?
I’m just going in to Year 12 this year so things are about to get a bit more serious.

Are you a good student or do you just want to surf all day?
I would definitely rather surf all day but I really want to get a good HSC result so that the last twelve years of going to school weren’t a complete waste of time.

What do you want to do with yourself when you finish school?
I want to go to university and do a course that involves sport, like physiotherapy or sports marketing or something.

Where is your favourite surfing destination?
My favourite surf destination is probably Snapper Rocks in Queensland, even though it’s as crowded as Bondi. I’ve had some sick waves all the way from Snapper Point through too Greenmount and you just can’t beat that. You definitely don’t get long rides like that at Bondi.

Do you have any surf trips in the pipeline?
Nope. Nothing planned at this stage but hopefully that will change.

Do you have any sponsors you want to give a plug to?
Nope. I don’t have any sponsors unfortunately.

Do you prefer comp surfing or free surfing?
I prefer free surfing, although I do like competition surfing, especially down at Bondi Boardriders. It’s good when you are up against your mates. I like free surfing because there is no winning or losing. You just remember the good waves that you caught during that session.

Any last words?
I reckon everyone should start surfing and they should make it compulsory in all schools, because after you get your first wave, you’re hooked forever trying to catch better and better waves.