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It Takes A Village To Raise A Child

By Pearl Bullivant on November 6, 2015 in Other

Photo: Con Tagious

Photo: Con Tagious

Dear Pearl,

A mother in Burnie Park recently told me that her child had hand, foot and mouth disease and that it may be best if my son didn’t play with her. Of course, when I turned around it was already too late. What the hell was she doing with a contagious kid in the park in the first place? Is it just me, or is this the height of selfishness? I didn’t say anything at the time, but in hindsight I wish I had. What would you have done, Pearl?



Dear Lizzy,

How timely your letter is! Just as I was about to launch into a seething rant aimed at Malcolm Turnbull, who has deliberately denied me the plethora of column material provided by the antics of Tony Abbott, I received your compelling plea for MY my assistance and guidance. The politics of Australia has NOTHING nothing on the politics of parenting, or my ego.

Let me take a ‘generous’ approach to your concern. Imagine the mother of a sick child confined to the insular walls of a tiny apartment (not all of us haves a cool $2M to spend on a tiny house with a patch of paving), rendered driven to the point of insanity by the voice of Elmo, bored witless reading yet another sanctimonious Thomas the Tank Engine book in which a train with a macabre face has caused ‘confusion and delay’. She is so desperate to be free of her surrounds, so desperate for a break, that she chances that she will be the only mother in the park on a cold winter day and whisks her kiddie out for a spot of fresh air. Or, maybe the mother stares into her empty fridge and realises there’s no milk, and in while dashing to Food Works her kiddie child spies the playground at Burnie Park from her booster seat and throws an almighty tantrum, which causes the mother to stop the car for a much- needed breather on the swings.

But that said,, let me take a step back – – generosity towards Yummy Mummies is not my gig forte and the scenarios I have described aren’t in accordance with strict ‘“Eastern Suburb Parenting Philosophy’”.

Lizzy, what YOU you have interpreted as “‘the height of selfishness”’ is mostly ignorance and stupidity with a touch of Eastern Suburb arrogance. Allowing a toddler to run around a park with a contagious viral illness may appear selfish and contrary to health warnings, but the mother sees it as ‘free ranging’ – “Darling, what harm is there in building up a bit of disease resistance and;, oops, I didn’t think ANYONE anyone would seriously object?.”!

Sharing IS is caring in the East, Lizzy. Just as we encourage our kids to ‘“share’” (steal) sand toys and we ourselves ‘“share’” personal space (driveways, sand space, positions in queues), it is important that your child shares the burden of hand, foot and mouth. So, toughen up, princess, and share the love and as well as the disease – it takes a village to raise a child.

Love Pearl, Parenting Expert