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June Thumbs

By Marcus Braid on June 18, 2015 in Other


The Clean-up Effort – Congratulations to the local councils on their swift and effective clean-up after the late April storms – a job very well done.

Civilian Crime Fighting – It was great to see the power of people and the Internet bring down a dog-napper and thwart a café thief during the month.

Ice Skating – The rink is back at Bondi from June 20 to July 12. It’ll be situated out the front of the Bondi Pavilion again. Tickets will sell fast so get your skates on!

The Environment – World Environment Day on June 5 is the most globally celebrated day for positive environmental action. Find out more at www.unep.org.

Winter Sun – Oh how we love the winter sun. It’s warm on your back but won’t burn you to buggery, and when it rises over the ocean it is a sight to behold.


Crazy Autumn Storms – The wild storms in late April/early May were definitely up there with the most destructive we’ve seen in a bloody long time. Scary.

Thieves – To the Gertrude & Alice money thief, the Bondi Junction dog thief and to the scumbags who steal surfboard racks, we hope you get hit by a bus.

Leaky Windows – Did anyone else find out the hard (and damp) way that their windows aren’t particularly well sealed during the aforementioned storms?

Conjunctivitis – While not particularly painful or even all that irritating, conjunctivitis definitely ain’t aesthetically pleasing. It’s ridiculously contagious too.

Bin Night Amnesia – Why, oh why, do we always forget about bin night until it is too late and the overflowing red bin has to fester for another stinking week?