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Keep To The Left

By Rupert Truscott-Hughes on April 5, 2011 in Other

I read something recently in which people were piping up about what side of the path pedestrians should stick to on the coastal walk. My first thought was, “It’s amazing what people get their knickers in a knot about in this part of the world.” Then, being a fan of a good rant, I thought I should get out of the penthouse and see what these whingers were getting so wild about so that I too could join in the rage!

I must admit this topic may have been covered to some extent already by the Wentworth Courier, but judging by the pile of plastic-wrapped rubbish out the front of my apartment block I assume no one actually reads that rag down at the beach anymore anyway. So here goes nothing!

Having lived in Point Piper my entire life until recently I must admit that I had heard of the coastal walk but never really seen the point of experiencing it. Until I moved over to Bondi that is – you can now consider me converted. Every morning I rise early, stretch out the legs along the coastal walk between Bondi and Bronte, then stop in for a yoga session at either Yoga By The Sea or Dharma Shala, depending on my mood and the weather. Either way, there is a veritable booty of beauties (and booties) on display to make the work out far more bearable. But I digress.

Back to all things coastal walk. These days I consider myself somewhat educated in the finer points of oceanside etiquette and a few key issues that are bound to cause concern for the average Eastern Suburbsite have come to my attention.

Rarely have I been accused of being a ‘lefty’ but in this case I’m definitely sticking to the side favoured by southpaws. I understand that numerous foreign tourists like to partake in a leisurely plod along this particular piece of pathway and back in their homelands they roll on the right, but when I head to New York do I drive on the left side of the road? No, I take the Subway but that’s not the point. When I head down the stairs I stick to the right as is the custom. It’s just common sense.

But it’s not just right-siders that get me offside on the coastal walk. I’ve also had run-ins with impatient runners, limboed ridiculously long dog leads and been held up and hussled by more Bugaboos (thanks Pearl!) than I care to remember – it’s certainly worrying to think how these future generations will turn out given how inconsiderate their primped and preened parents are!

Add to this the gas-baggers who to talk to their friends heading in the opposite direction and take up the whole path and all of a sudden the beloved coastal walk resembles a minefield of potential mishaps and madness rather than a convenient pedestrian link between coastal hamlets.

So what’s the solution to this almighty conundrum? It’s certainly not more silly council funded (read ratepayer funded!) signs. Rather, some simple commonsense and old-fashioned courtesy should be by far and away enough to avert a crisis. And if all else fails, just jump off the cliff and swim. You’ll get less attitude from the sharks and ocean swims are in vogue anyway!