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Letter Of The Month: Children Exploited During Bronte RSL Development Protest

By Em Allen on December 28, 2012 in

It’s appalling to see how people are exploiting children to protest against a development that has
not even been approved.

All around the Bronte area residents have been bombarded with signage on telegraph poles and in letterboxes under the guise of “Save the Bronte Village” in relation to the proposed development of the Bronte RSL site in Macpherson Street.

As the president of the Bronte RSl Club ltd I was saddened by the closure of the club due to the proposed sale of the site by the Bronte RSl Sub-Branch, the owners of the property.

But what saddens me even more is the fact that those protesting against something that has not even reached a development application stage have taken it upon themselves to use children as a point of argument.

“Protect our children from trucks” read one sign in chalk out the front of the entrance to Clovelly Public School. “Save Our Kids” said another banner prior to a recent meeting at the RSL Club.

Who gave these people the right to tell us that our kids would be in danger if a development was
approved? And who gave them the right to put signage out the front of a public school where some parents might not care one way or another if such a development went ahead?

Even more worrying is the fact that some knuckleheads took it upon themselves to spray paint
a sign over the Bronte RSl Club awning. Even though the club has closed its doors it still bears the signs of an RSl Sub-Branch out the front so surely that could be regarded as desecration as far as showing respect for the servicemen and women who fought to make this great country what it is today.

What sort of a message are these stupid acts getting across to the kids? That it is all right to spray paint graffiti on the front of a building? To impose upon the community visual pollution in the form of illegal posters on every telegraph pole?

Or to stick up meaningless banners throughout the neighbourhood without any justification?

Parents are supposed to set an example and not do the things they are constantly telling their kids not to and, more importantly, children should not be used as a vehicle for any sort of protest.