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Local Bloke… Conrad Pattinson from Bondi

By James Hutton on June 24, 2019 in

On yer bike, Conrad! by Amy Middlemiss.

Bondi’s Conrad Pattinson co-owns and operates Vamos Bikes, a Sydney-based electric bike company. He shares his local favourites with The Beast

How long have you lived here? I moved here from London when I was 10, so about 16 years. Great call from the folks!

Why do you live here? I’ve done a bit of travelling and I’ve learnt that Sydney is the best spot on earth. I try not to take for granted the amazing beaches, weather, high wages and generally large amount of stoke in each individual in this area. It’s definitely not like this in a lot of other parts of the world.

What’s your favourite beach? Tamarama and Bronte are beautiful and a little less hectic, but the English inside me can’t go past Bondi.

What’s your favourite eatery? I love Funky Pies – I was eating there for close to a year before I realised it was vegan – and Mappen in Bondi Junction for a crazy cheap noodle soup.

Where do you like to have a drink? Rosenbaum & Fuller, Ravesis, North Bondi RSL and the Robin Hood.

Best thing about the Eastern Suburbs? The beaches, the variety of different types of people and the lifestyle.

Worst thing about the Eastern Suburbs? The congestion. Waiting to get the 333 to the city on a weekday morning, or trying to find a park, is brutal. It’s been like this since I was a kid.

Do you have a favourite sporting team? The Blue Bawlers, the mixed netball team I play in. We barely know the rules but we have a crack.

What music are you into at the moment? Client Liaison have inspired me to relive the ‘80s on Spotify.

Who is your favourite person?
The ones around me that make my life great: the miso soup, family, friends… and also Nicolas Cage, he’s pretty legendary.

What do you get up to on the weekends? I try to get myself out of the bubble as much as possible and head to restaurants and bars in the Inner West, or try to find some quieter beaches up and down the coast. Most of the time I don’t get past Bondi Road.

What do you do for work? I do surf coaching and tour guiding on the side, but my main gig is running Vamos Bikes, a Sydney-based electric bike company. Michael (co-founder) and I fell in love with electric bikes a few years ago and saw a gap in the market. We noticed that e-bikes were expensive and seemed only to be marketed to grandpas on their second hip replacement, but they are great for anyone that wants to get around quickly and cheaply without leaving a carbon footprint. I use mine every day.

What’s your favourite thing about work? Creating a company around something you’re passionate about is so fulfilling. I’m sure every business owner says their business helps the world but we know ours does. Petrol use is a major contributor to global warming and 90 per cent of people in Sydney live within ten clicks of their workplace. Now you can combat the hills and the congestion while helping the environment. To me it’s a no-brainer.

Do you have a favourite quote? “If you ain’t wit’ it, get wit’ it!”

Any words of wisdom for readers of The Beast? Check out vamosbikes.com.au and hit us up for a free test ride.