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Local Bloke… Luke Gallagher From Waverley

By Em Allen on April 2, 2013 in

Photo: Grant Brooks

Photo: Grant Brooks

Waverley resident Luke Gallagher, also known as the Ding Doctor, shares his local favourites with The Beast…

How long have you lived here?
I was born and raised in Bondi but I’ve lived in Waverley for about 20 years.

What’s your favourite beach?
I’ve always had my best surfs at Tamarama, but Bondi is better for advertising the business – there are more people out of control.

What’s your favourite eatery?
I’m on Jenny Craig at the moment and the food is pretty good. I wanted to lose 10kg and so far I’ve lost 6kg. I love Thai. I think my favorite place is Country Thai at Charing Cross.

Where do you like to have a drink?
I like the Robin Hood, although I don’t get over there as much as I used to. I don’t have far to stagger to get home.

Do you have a favourite sporting team?
I’m a Roosters fan; hopefully we will do a bit better this year. I also like the Sydney Sixers.

What music are you into at the moment?
I go through phases; last week it was Led Zeppelin, the week before was ’90s grunge. I’ve got Alice in Chains on right now. I like most music but I’m not into dance crap at all – doosh, doosh, doosh…

Who is your favourite person?
How can I pick only one? My parents, family, mates, old teachers? I think I’d have to say my girlfriend; she is amazing! She teaches French so if any one needs French lessons or help with their homework, or if you need a crash course if you’re about to go overseas, she can help. Call ClĂ©mence on 0420 457 842.

What do you get up to on the weekends?
I try to stick around and do some work on Saturday mornings; it’s a good day for people to pick up and drop off their boards. I like to go surfing when I can but I’m not keen on the crowds. I also like a quiet beer and hanging out with mates.

What do you do for work?
I repair surfboards for a living. My car has a big red surfboard on the roof; you can’t miss it. I am the Ding Doctor!

What’s your favourite thing about work?
I love my customers; they surf and they’re happy. I also love that I can go to work when I want or leave when I want if the surf is good. And not having a big angry boss.

Do you have a favourite quote?
“Perfection is no detail but detail makes perfection” and “It’s better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it”.

Any other words of wisdom for readers of The Beast?
Be happy; live life; love life. If you’re not happy, change what is stopping you from being happy. If you’re depressed, get help. There is nothing you cannot do.

How can our readers get in touch?
They can give me a call on 0405 059 134 or visit my website at www.dingdoctor.com.au.