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Local Chick… Victoria Vidler From Bondi

By Em Allen on May 7, 2013 in

Photo: Grant Brooks

Photo: Grant Brooks

Bondi Beach resident and Kincoppal-Rose Bay senior school teacher Victoria Vidler shares her local favourites with The Beast…

How long have you lived here?
Five years now. I’m originally from Western Australia.

What’s your favourite beach?
Bondi. I love the atmosphere in and out of the surf at Bondi. Despite the many visitors to Bondi there is also a wonderful community here.

What’s your favourite eatery?
My favourite thing to eat is Bondi Bikkies but I also love the Bondi Trattoria, Fish Mongers and Gertrude & Alice on Hall Street.

Where do you like to have a drink?
Pretty much anywhere if I have good company. The Bucket List is hard to beat on a balmy evening.

Do you have a favourite sporting team?
I have recently changed from following the West Coast Eagles to the Sydney Swans.

What music are you into at the moment?
Madeleine Peyroux and Laura Marling – I’m not really that current with my music, am I?! And I just can’t get enough of the Rolling Stones and Bob Marley, as well as anything from the 1960s to the 1980s.

Who is your favourite person?
My grandmother; she has the best sense of humour and outlook on life. No task is ever too hard for her and she is easily the best conversationalist I know.

What do you get up to on the weekends?
Surf, brunch, hit the markets and go for adventure walks exploring Sydney. I also love to devour the Saturday papers and have Sunday dinner parties.

What do you do for work?
I teach in the Senior School at Kincoppal- Rose Bay. It’s the most beautiful school in the world.

What’s your favourite thing about your work?
The students who constantly entertain me and the incredible team I work with. It is fantastic to do a job where you are continually learning.

Do you have a favourite quote?
I’m a huge Oscar Wilde fan and I particularly love, “I have the simplest of tastes, I’m always satisfied with the best.” Another great one is, “I can resist everything except temptation.”

Any other words of wisdom for readers of The Beast?
If you don’t love what you do and are interested in teaching, then just do it. It’s the most wonderful job you could ever do. The intrinsic satisfaction is so hard to beat.