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Local Faves – Andrew

By Dan Hutton on April 16, 2012 in

Photo: Grant Brooks

Andrew Coorey has lived in Darling Point for 15 of the last 17 years after growing up in Bellevue Hill (the rough part). Andrew is a freelance bullshitter, which includes speaking at the Rugby World Cup, an interview dinner with Don Walker, several days of event presentation at the SCG or sorting out the Tuesday trivia for the Bellevue Hotel in Paddo. He also writes locally-themed poems (you can read one above), runs Live Band Karaoke (www.lbk.com.au) and he hasn’t given up on radio and TV either. Andrew shares his local faves with The Beast…

Favourite Beach: Bondi is my Prozac.

Eatery: In some cafes some staff know some customers. At Luigi’s in Bondi all the customers know all the other customers. It’s a club. I can get you in.

Watering Hole: It’s hard to beat the Rathouse for ‘genuine Sydney’. I should go more often. In Paddington, anything but the Royal.

Sporting Team: Sydney University Football Club. I made the Foxtel documentary “The Birthplace: Stories from Australia’s First Rugby Club” and I played 12 seasons without distinction.

Music: Beatles for your brain, U2 for the heart, the Stones for the loins, and Dylan, well, for Bob himself. Locally, Cold Chisel retain deity status. I’m currently toying with Noel Gallagher, Paul Weller, Chopin, Puccini, Ludwig van.

Person: It’s hard to go past my family, but a handful of mentors who gave me opportunities to speak professionally before I knew I could.

Weekend Activity: What’s a weekend?

Quote: “Let’s play some chess.”

Favourite Thing About Your Work: It’s not scheduled.

Final Word: My favourite beer you ask? Coopers Green.