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Love, Desire & Attachment: meditation

If we wish to enjoy good relationships, it is essential that we learn to distinguish between love and attachment. While love brings only good results and happiness, attachment brings only problems and suffering such as craving, jealousy, dependence and conflict.

During this day course we will learn how to distinguish between these minds and free ourselves from attachment while cultivating a pure love for others. If we practise in this way our mind will remain peaceful, and our relationships will be enjoyable, stable and fulfilling. Teacher: Buddhist nun Kelsang Lhachog

693-695 South Dowling St, Surry Hills, NSW, 2010
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Powerful love binding spell +27634529386



Powerful love binding spell +27634529386 Australia, Austria,Canada,UK LONDON Po¬werfu¬l love bindi¬ng spell by dr mama tulie Johan¬nesbu¬rg, Prote¬ction CHARM¬S *Do you get Bad Dream¬s? Do you fear tokol¬oshe Of Any Kind? Come for Prote¬ction *Are you fired & You Want Your Job Back? *Do You Have Probl¬em With Your Bosse¬s At Work? WOMEN CHARM¬S. Do […]

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