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Mal’s Presents Light Up Local Children’s Hospitals

By Marcus Braid on February 5, 2015 in

Nurses from the Children’s Hospital At Westmead have paid tribute to Mal Ward and his team, who successfully organised a record breaking Christmas Presents for Sick Kids event late last year.

Mal, widely regarded as a local legend, hosted the seventh installment of the event, and delivered in a massive way yet again.

“Thank you to everyone who contributed to this marvellous event,” Mal said. “We delivered over 875 presents to the chidren’s hospitals at Randwick and Westmead, and over 630 to the Royal Children’s Hospital in Melbourne. This is another record breaking amount.”

The event is held in loving memory of his son Johnno, who passed away in 2008 after a long battle with childhood liver disease.

Rowena Nilsson, from the Clancy Ward at the Children’s Hospital at Westmead, said that they had enough presents for every single patient, as well as their siblings.

“It was an amazing effort by all to be able to bring so many presents to us,” she said.

“Many grateful parents wanted to know where all the amazing presents came from and asked us to pass on their heartfelt thanks for doing this for them.

“Some of our patients have been here for over six months, so to be able to give them such amazing gifts was such a highlight in their long journey to recovery.”

Ms Nilsson said the nurses made great little Santa’s helpers on Christmas Eve, and they put out stockings on every bed and placed a present inside for when the children woke up.

“The presents meant the nurses got the wonderful job of giving, as well as seeing the joy it brings to the children away from the day to day hospital stuff they do,” she said.

“Everyone had been so generous and there was no one who missed out.”