Picture: Meghan Dea
If I had to describe our sound in one sentence… it would have be something like ‘enchantingly dark electronic dreampop with a hit of grunge rock’.
My first memory of music is… riding in my dad’s car listening to ‘Sexual Healing’ by Marvin Gaye, but singing ‘sensual healing’ and asking dad what that meant – no direct response to date.
Growing up my parents listened to… a wide range of genres and artists including Madonna, Bowie, Tina Turner, Fleetwood Mac, Boney M, and this one mixed bag CD filled with 90s EDM, so I guess that’s why you hear the crossover in our music as well.
Our dream gig… would definitely be Coachella. Any stage. We’ll take what we can get!
If you come to see us play, you can expect… layers of intricate, lush sounds, lots of emotion, a bit of grooving, and feathers (sometimes).
People should come to our gig at Old Dave’s Soul in Coogee because… they will get to experience new sounds and hear our amazing local supporting artists (LA Vif and Field of Wolves) play. This local venue is the perfect location for our intimate show.
There was one time when we were starting out… that we realised we are slaves to the sound guy – always buy him/her a beer before you play.
If we could have chosen one song to have written it would have to be… ‘…Baby One More Time’ by Britney Spears, because it is so simple, catchy, and anyone from any age group can relate to it! It sounds great as a piano ballad too.
Our favourite song to perform would have to be… ‘MANIAC’ by yours truly, because it is a crowd favourite that always kicks up the energy, and we get to see some manic dancing by the audience.
Our new single, ‘Eternal Seekers’, is… raw, angry, and relevant to everyone today because it is speaking about the ‘eternal seeker’ in each of us and our lack of contentment with what we have.
The best thing about the local music scene is… the amount of talent in various styles that’s new and exciting. Sydney seems to be a harvesting pot for some very fresh sounds and crossover styles, once you know where to find it.
One person we’d still really like to record with is… Massive Attack or Air, because their sound is so inspiring and moving that it would be an experience to pick at their genius brains and see how their art is created.
We’ll know we have made it when… we get a slot at one of the big festivals in Sydney, or anywhere in Australia. To be able to play in front of a home–grown festival crowd would be amazing.
To find out more about Mirella’s Inferno, please visit www.mirellasinferno.com or give them a listen on Spotify, iTunes or SoundCloud.
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