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Not Quite Cabaret Kicks Off Season 4 This Friday

By Dan Hutton on May 4, 2011 in

We all love to be entertained, especially at the end of a hard week’s work. Not Quite Cabaret at the Paddington Arms provides the perfect night of entertainment: food, drinks, and comedy that makes you laugh your socks off, all rolled into just under two hours – an awesome way to start your weekend!

This is not theatre as you know it. The night opens with a rude Irish joke or two, and swiftly launches into the first two plays – which are serious belly laugh material! There are a couple of intervals that, unlike regular theatre, allow plenty of time to interact with the people you are out with, and are of course a great opportunity to order another drink!

The menu is unlike what you would expect at a ‘cabaret’ show – this is where the ‘not quite’ element comes in! You can enjoy a steak and glass of red, or a burger and a pint, and if you want to order another round there’s always a waitress on hand! It makes for a good night out with friends, or even a date, if you’re looking for something a little more than just dinner!

According to Emer Byrne, who has attended all three seasons of Not Quite Cabaret thus far, “I’m always looking to do something a bit different when catching up with friends and family. The cast and crew have really raised the bar this season. The comedic content of the plays allows for a relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere with a hilarious crescendo to kick start my weekend.”

The plays chosen for Not Quite Cabaret are all light-hearted, funny pieces, and all about ten minutes in length. They represent the perfect snapshot of contemporary Australian comedy theatre, all pleasing plays by popular Australian writers including Marcello Fabrizi, Christine Brown and Andrew and Kate Toon.

The standard of performance is exceptional. The actors are multitalented, vibrant and entertaining! It’s a showcase of Australian talent including actors Daniel Nemes, Belinda Crawley, Kevin MacIssac and Brigid O’Sullivan.

The show costs $28, or if you bring three friends you’ll get tickets for $24! Booking tickets couldn’t be easier on trybooking.com and they only charge a 30 cent booking fee – unheard of! Food and drinks at the Paddo Arms are very reasonable, and generally there’s a drinks special on.

All in all, this is a really good night out that is affordable and filled with laughs, which is rare! You will be recommending it to all your friends!

Not Quite Cabaret
Showing: 8pm Friday nights on May 6, 13, 20, 27 and June 3 and 10 at the Paddington Arms on Oxford Street
Tickets: Visit www.trybooking.com/9884
Enquiries: Email notquitecabaret@gmail.com