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October Frother – Ethan Davis

By Em Allen on October 17, 2012 in

Photo: Brad Malyon - www.frothers.com.au

It’s hard to miss Bronte grommet Ethan Davis out in the surf. His blonde locks and brightly coloured, somewhat ill-fitting wetsuit might be the first thing to catch your attention, but it is the way that he shreds that will keep you enthralled. And it’s fair to say that he probably out surfing Bronte more than anyone else these days.

Name: Ethan Davis
Age: 14
Local Break: Bronte
Board Shaper: Micah Bonner
Board Dimensions: 5,4 x 17 3/4 x 2

Do prefer school or surfing?

Barrels or airs: what’s better?

How about boardies or speedos?

Lamingtons or finger buns?

You are one of the most featured surfers on the Frothers website; you must get out there a heck of a lot?
Yeah, I surf mornings and afternoons everyday, pretty much. Surfing is also a school sport at my school, which is cool because I ‘have to’ surf at least two mornings a week.

Does anyone else in your family surf?
Not really. My dad tries to every now and again. He’s pretty bad but he has a solid dig. My older sister used to but she had a really bad accident a while back and hasn’t got back into it since.

Are you involved with a local board riders club?
Yeah I do Bondi and Bronte, which I cop a fair bit of abuse for – ha ha! It’s really fun; I love competing.

With so many groms getting amongst it, do you respect your elders or is it every man for himself out there?
Yeah, King Colonel still gets his fair share of waves when I’m out there – ha ha. But at places like Bondi you’ve got to give the old guys a bit of a hassle.

There’s a lot of talent moving up the ranks at the moment; who should we keep our eye on?
Pama Davies, Luke Faddy, Matt Moeller and all the Maroubra kids – they all rip and surf heaps.

If you had an open plane ticket, where would you go?
Greenbush in the Mentawais – it looks perfect.

Any last words?
Thanks to Matt Dee (FTW), Micah Bonner and all the guys at Carve and Stick It for their support, and to the guys at Frothers for all the epic photos and road trips. But most of all thanks to my parents for helping me out in everything I do. It’s very much appreciated. And follow me on Instagram: ethan_davis!