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QTips – Bondi’s Best Pastries

By Madeleine Gray on October 6, 2016 in Food

Gluttony is good at Bondi's Organic Republic Bakery.

Gluttony is good at Bondi’s Organic Republic Bakery.

Kale. Activated almonds. Yoga. Pilates. We are all aware that Bondi is known for its health-conscious hotties and dedication to all things #fitspo. But while I try to embrace the ‘my body is a temple’ mantra as often as I can, there is something deliciously freeing about throwing caution to the wind and biting into a completely decadent, old-fashioned pastry.

You might find it hard to believe, but Bondi is actually home to some of the best baked treats in Sydney – you just have to know where to look. So for this month’s QTips, presented by the good folk at QT Bondi, I dare you to leave the beetroot brownie recipe at home and come with me on a Bondi food crawl that pays homage to everyone’s favourite part of the food pyramid – the top triangle.

Pasticceria Papa
Nestled in to the Hub development on Hall Street, this fabulous pasticceria originally hales from Haberfield, but thankfully found a new location at Bondi in mid-2014. While all the sweet treats on offer are delicious, I simply cannot go past the baked ricotta cheesecake. It is a game changer: smooth and sweet, with a dusting of cinnamon on top. Bellissima.

This stalwart café on Hall Street is known for its great coffee and fabulous focaccias, but I have a confession: it’s the caramel kisses that keep me coming back. They’re the little cylindrical wonders with a biscuit base and thick caramel on top. Order one with your next coffee: you won’t regret it.

Bondi Organic Republic
At Organic Republic, gluttony is good. This Glenayr Avenue bakery is dedicated to all things sustainable and ethical, so you can help save the world while tucking in. The no-brainer order here is the spelt scone. The flavours change daily, but they are consistently delectable.

The Cook and Baker
I know this little gem is technically in Bondi Junction, but I can’t leave it off the list. At the front of this Oxford Street store is a glass cabinet heaped with every good, sweet thing known to man. The signature donuts are ridiculously good, and oozing with raspberry jam and vanilla custard.

Wellington Cake Shop
Leslie Brull and his family have been at the helm of this gorgeously traditional bakery for over 30 years, and though the bagels are a best seller, I sincerely implore you to try the kugelhupf (chocolate yeast cake). It is thick, bready, and incredibly bad for you. Do it.