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Reidy Set To Take Part In Celebrity Relay Event

By Dan Hutton on February 16, 2012 in

Andrew Reid, a lifeguard on the popular Channel Ten television show Bondi Rescue, is set to take part in the Celebrity Relay Event at the 2012 Sydney Track Classic on 18th February. During the week we caught up with him and fired him a few quick questions…

What made you accept the challenge to be part of the Celebrity Relay event at the 2012 Sydney Track Classic?

To get the chance to not only support our track athletes heading over to London but to also run on the same track as them is an honour in itself. How could I say no?

Do you know who is in your team or who you will be up against?

I’m not sure who is in my team yet but I do know I am up against some very quick men and women from all walks of life. I just got news Big Dell is running, I’m not worried but. Just another over the hill footy player whose only training is putting sauce on his meat pie!

Do you have any experience in track & field competition, or is this completely new for you?

When I was a kid I used to get my mum’s broom and try pole vault our family dog, does that count?

What training are you/have you been doing to prepare for the relay?

I have been doing plenty of sprint work on the treadmills up at Shift60 on Bondi Road as well as watching slow motion videos of Shirvo (Matt Shirvington) running to perfect my sock packing technique.

Do you plan to practice with your relay team before the event?

Probably not, as I still don’t know who they are. I have a secret plan though; I intend on having both my 12 and 14 year-old runners drinking red cordial concentrate 20 minutes before the start.

Do you do much running training to keep fit for you lifesaving job? If so, what do you do?

Many people don’t know but I also work as a recycle loader five mornings a week. It involves running between 8-10km a day, so that keeps me in pretty good shape.

What aspect of the relay are you most looking forward to – running in front of a crowd, being part of a team, or just finishing?

I am really looking forward to beating all these other wannabe challengers to the title in front of a big crowd. I’m especially looking forward to handing Roz Kelly a handful of dust when she eventually crosses the line. Hopefully everybody hasn’t already headed home by the time that happens.

What aspect of the relay are you most dreading? The baton change?

Waiting… I’m dreading having to wait for every other team to finish. I hope Athletics Australia can organise some chairs for my team at the finish line.

How fast do you think/know you can run a 100m in?

I am easily a sub 10 second kinda guy. Wait, what are we talking about..?

How do you feel running with/against Olympic sprinter Matt Shirvington? Inspired, intimidated?

Definitely inspired! The guy is a sprinting machine and I can’t wait to run past him like he is standing still.

Best of luck Andrew!