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September Frother – Luke Faddy

By Em Allen on September 19, 2012 in

Photo: Bill Morris

Name: Luke Faddy

Age: 15

Board Shaper: JS and Merrick

Board Dimensions: 6’1” x 19” x 2 3/8”

Local Break: Bronte

You recently went on a Frothers road trip down south; how was it?
Yeah, Brad took Ethan Davis, my brother Tom and I down the coast to Black Rock in the school holidays. The surf was super fun and there were a couple of whales out there too. The surf gets so much better down there than the Eastern Suburbs and you really notice it in your surfing.

Your bro and your dad both surf; do you have Faddy team surfs often?
Not so much in Sydney, but every school holidays when we go down the South Coast we all surf together heaps. We are all going to the Mentawais next year too, which should be hell fun.

Who’s the best surfer in the family?
We all have our day, but Dad’s day doesn’t happen often. Tom has been ripping though.

Do you encourage your sister to get out there and surf Bronte reef?
It’s great to see more and more girls surfing, my sister Chloe isn’t keen though. She’s into her dancing and gets really sick of us talking surfing all the time. Maybe when she’s older she’ll give it a go.

There are a strong bunch of local surfers coming out of Bronte; do you look up to any of the older guys?
Yeah. The Reid brothers, Whippet, Azza and Kobi Graham, Tom Whitaker and Dunstan Foss all shred. Watching them definitely motivates me to push my surfing.

You’ve wrangled a part-time gig at a local café; how is the work/school/surf balance going?
I work at the Three Blue Ducks making the juices on Sundays. School work is increasing this year but I still manage to squeeze in a surf every day or two, which is rad!

What are you doing with the coin you earn?
I bought a couple of new boards and a wetty from Surf Culture just recently.

Have you thought about what you want to do when you finish school?
I think being a lifeguard would be pretty sick but I haven’t given it too much thought – it feels like ages away. Lifeguarding is the next best thing to surfing all day. You get to hang at the beach and surf on your lunch break. I see what the lifeguards do in their day at Bronte and it looks like a fun job.

Any last words?
Thanks to Carve for all the sick gear, Froggy at Surf Culture and Brad from Frothers for taking us on trips – yew!