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Snorkelling Discovery Tour

Enjoy this guided snorkelling adventure and see the beautiful underwater life of Camp Cove.
The event is run by the Marine Discovery Centre on behalf of Woollahra Council and is open to families and kids 6 years and over (must be able to swim 25m unaided – with at least one water-confident adult per 2 kids).
Mask, snorkel & fins provided – bring your own if you have them. Bring: water, sunscreen, hat and a rashy or T-shirt.
Morning Tour: 10.00am – 12.30pm
Afternoon Tour: 1.30pm – 4.00pm
BOOK ONLINE http://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/snorkelling-discovery-tour-registration-14567637195

Camp Cove Beach, Watsons Bay, NSW, 2030
How Much:
$7 pp
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