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The Cold Winds Of Change

By Dan Hutton on May 27, 2011 in

There is no doubt that winter is almost upon us. The complaints of cold winds have become more prevalent than the cold winds themselves.

In Australia, the seasons start at the beginning of the month so that winter begins on the June 1, while in most other countries the seasons begin on the 21st of the month. Legend has it that in the early days of the colony, the NSW Corps changed from their summer to winter uniforms at the beginning of the month, and hence the seasons stuck.

Unlike the calendar winter, the astronomical winter begins on the June 21 (winter solstice) and ends on the September 21 (spring equinox). The astronomical definition of the winter solstice is the day in which the Sun is at its most northerly position and the lowest in the sky, and the length of day is the shortest of the year.

The cool effects of the winter solstice are not felt for some weeks after the event. This is due to the time it takes for the ground and the atmosphere to cool down and to come into balance with the heating of the sun.
Throughout time, many ancient cultures have placed spiritual significance on the winter solstice.

Did You Know?

On the day of winter solstice, Earth’s south pole is tilted away from the Sun. The Sun rises north of east, sets north of west and reaches 28.5 degrees above the horizon at noon.

June Weather Statistics


High – 26.9 (1931)
Low – 2.1 (1932)
Average – 13.1


High – 642.7mm (1950)
Low – 4.1mm (1904)
Average – 130.6mm


Rise – 6:51am
Set – 4:54pm
Rise – 7:00am
Set – 4:56pm


New Moon – June 1
First Quarter – June 9
Full Moon – June 15
Last Quarter – June 23