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Video of the Week – Become A Clubby

By Dan Hutton on October 1, 2011 in

The good folk from Surf Lifesaving Australia sent us an email the other week asking if we could help them out by spreading the word about their latest recruitment drive.

Being the generous gentleman that we are, and knowing that the clubbies (while looking a little silly in their red and yellow hats and their big yellow boat) are generously giving their time and doing a great service in helping to keep our beautiful beaches safe, of course we agreed.

The “Join a Real Social Network – Join a Surf Club” campaign is aimed at recruiting young people aged between 15-25 years to become patrolling surf lifesavers.

This age group is integral to the front line capability of Surf Life Saving, however research shows that current recruitment strategies are falling short of the mark with this age group.

While Nippers numbers continue to grow and the ranks of older members has traditionally provided a solid base for the organisation, older teens and 20 somethings are often thin on the ground at many surf clubs.

So watch the above vid, put aside any issues you have about looking silly in a slightly dorky hat (because trust me, some of your other fashion statements are far worse!) and join your local surf club!